He is now 10 years old y él esta en el 3rd grado. His favorite food is bacon, grapes, and apples. Él encanta dinosaurs and has a true love for elefantes. Su programas/películas favoritas son Sponge Bob, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, y Ice Age. His version of being affectionate is rubbing boogers on me, making farting noises, or any obscene gross things that makes me squirm (I secretly love it). Sometimes... he repeats lines from movies that he likes (Echolalia) and he has a hard time interacting with his peers.
'Aydn Look'
At the age of 3 Aydn was diagnosed with autism. Autism is term used to describe a group of developmental disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorder. About 1 in every 110 kids are diagnosed with autism. There is no known cause or cure for autism. However there are several interventions available for families living with autism.
To learn more about autism check out: www.autismspeaks.org